- Maralee Dawn & Friends Ministries

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Our ‘Interactive Gospel of John’ (IGJ) is a child friendly version of the Gospel of John, with an innovative smartphone interface technology from Amsterdam, City Bibles and printed in Germany.

This Gospel is filled with interactive videos, some MD&F, others straight from the The Gospel of John movie (2003)! Also include are a downloadable colouring book, an invitation to accept Jesus as Saviour, and Bible Apps for kids. 5000 copies were initially ordered and quickly 'gifted'!

Our Ministry, Valiant Society, had been praying for clear direction to give hope to children and what we heard was, “Give them Jesus.” God began opening doors. A Bus Ministry took several hundred, Churches distributed copies two at a time in their Sunday Schools, one for a student and one for their unchurched friend. Then the Lord inspired us to Street Ministry, 'Gifting Gospels' in Parks and Skytrain Stations. Others joined us and we experienced many God appointments and miracles!

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