- March of the Archers, March of the longbow traditions

Description: Longbows, March of the Archers: a traditional Parade of Archers 11 October 2009, unmissable ceremony and Artillery shoot at the Honourable Artillery Company, once in your lifetime. Proceeds to Armed Services Charities.

archery (925) marche (586) long (512) bow (440) parade (355) march (270) hac (88) longbow (75) archerie (34) longbows (13)

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Archers gathered in their hundreds and marched out accross the London Wall, where once the City gates stood. Onward to the Honourable Artillery Company where a great archery contest was held. All proceeds were in aid of the Armed Services Charities. The March supported the Military Covenant; it was an opportunity for longbow archers to give direct help to wounded service men and women and their families.

Great marches of Archers took place as thousands went out into the fields of Finsbury, Moorfields, Spitalfields and Bethnal Green. These were colourful occasions of great splendour and marked out the Archers and their longbows in all their glory.

"From the Merchant Taylors' Hall began the famous cavalcade of the Archers, under their leader the Duke of Shoreditch. Consisting of 3000 Archers sumptuously apparelled, 942 whereof wore chains of gold about their necks. This splendid company was guarded by whifflers and billmen to the number of 4000, besides pages and footmen who marched through Moorfields by Finsbury where they shot for glory" (March of the archers in 1530). Read more Every year It is a great privilege for the Fraternity of St George 1509

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