- Homepage Maren Wellenreuther

Description: Adaptation, Ecological Genomics, Inversions, Polymorphisms, Colour Genes, damselflies, Ischnura, Calopteryx, triplefin

adaptation (180) damselflies (21) inversions (10) ecological genomics (3) polymorphisms (2) calopteryx (2) colour genes (1) ischnura (1) triplefins (1)

Example domain paragraphs

My research is rooted in evolutionary theory and is unified by the goal of understanding how adaptive and non-adaptive evolutionary processes interact in nature. Research areas range from evolutionary ecology to genomics and focus on topics such as sexual selection, adaptation, aquaculture, selective breeding and population demography. Whenever possible, I employ complementary approaches at the genomic, phenotypic, ecological and environmental level. My research has societal relevance in relation to the div

Bernatchez L, Wellenreuther M et al. (2017, Trends in Ecology and Evolution)

Wellenreuther M and Otto S (2016, Evolutionary Applications)