- Margie Burns | Blog on government, law, and politics

Description: The state constitutions oppose insurrection. Why are the state constitutions being left out of the picture, when the states have to handle elections?

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On the demise, maybe, of the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, today’s New York Times has this.

It was an inauspicious debut, to say the least. In February 1975, a little-known governor from Georgia named Jimmy Carter showed up in Des Moines, Iowa, to kick off an improbable campaign for president. His team rented a hotel ballroom and bought enough food for a crowd of 200 people. Three showed up.

So Carter started working the streets and stores. Gerald Rafshoon, who was his media adviser, recalled the other day a story that later became famous. “Carter walks into a barbershop and says, ‘My name is Jimmy Carter and I’m running for president,’ Rafshoon told me. “And the barber said, ‘Yeah, the boys and I were just laughing about that.'”

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