
Description: Web Analytics Princess by Marianina Chaplin, blog on turning web data into actionable insights and transforming marketing performance

business intelligence (1903) web marketing (1180) web analytics (277) analytical (148) marketing performance management (4) marianina chaplin (1) analytical framework (1)

Example domain paragraphs

1. Over time will departmentalised/silo-d analytics areas become part of a larger research and analytics function reporting directly to the Financial Director or chief executive officer? Presenting completed analysis or recommendations to executives can be far less effective on an on-going basis than the continuous, informal questioning and answering between managers and analysis. I think you need both, on-going silo-d analytics which really drills down into specific issues and centralised strategic analyti

2. Analytics is hard. Analytics takes resources. It takes effort for a company to create and assimilate learnings from analytics. Focus your analytics at the key leverage points of the business, for example in the case of a lead generation site such as rightmove your lead conversion rate. Focus analytics where it will have most impact to potentially help and change the business

3. Getting to a culture of fact/data driven decision making, requires your business to have real solid wins using analytics that will make people care from the top to bottom in the company. Once it is have been shown/proven that the eg the company’s conversion rate has increased due to multi-variate testing and changes to the form process or that PPC is generating a higher conversion rate or whatever the wins might be, a process of “yes analytics is important to me – it will help me – it could even help me