- Mari Kawakatsu

Description: JSMF Postdoctoral Fellow

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Thank you for visiting my website. I am a James S. McDonnell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania and an affiliate of the Penn Center for Mathematical Biology . My postdoctoral mentor is Joshua Plotkin .

I recently obtained my PhD in Applied and Computational Mathematics from Princeton University, where I was advised by Simon Levin , Naomi Leonard , and Corina Tarnita . Prior to that, I completed my undergraduate studies in Physics and Sociology at Yale University.

My research focuses on social evolution and self-organization in collective systems. I am especially interested in understanding how inter-individual differences and population structures influence and are influenced by collective dynamics. As a mathematical biologist and an applied mathematician, I use tools from evolutionary game theory, dynamical systems, and network science to explore topics including