- Marilyn Harding - Exhilarated LifeStyle - Conscious Choices for Living Well

Description: Exhilarated LifeStyle - Conscious Choices for Living Well

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heart, soul & voice

Home Blog Archive Single Post When Despair Seems a Reasonable Response The Wonder of it All Loving Yourself As You Are Pages Contact My Manifesto MH Bio Voice Writing Flow Books Hi, I’m Marilyn. Join me on the quest of an exhilarated life in work and play and love! Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all.

Maturing has its perks – one of them is embracing that I earned my stripes – by stripes I mean wrinkles – well, laugh lines mostly with a few worry furrows that philosophy and meditation, not Botox, will smooth. For clear and heartfelt expression, I apply what I sense as an intuitive and have learned in Earth School, with a Cum Laude degree in LOVE, to every service I share.

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