- Official Home of Mark Joyner – Author. Inventor. Slayer of the un-simple.

Description: Inventor of the tracking pixel. Founder of the first ebook publishing company. Widely referred to as "the godfather of Internet marketing". Author of over a dozen books in print in 25 languages, 4 of which were #1 bestsellers.

mark joyner (12) simpleology (11) mind control marketing (10) integration marketing (10) godfather of internet marketing (9) inventor of the tracking pixel (9) founder of the first ad tracking company (9)

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by Mark Joyner | Blog

Russell is one of the hottest young entrepreneurs on the planet and his company ClickFunnels is on the fast track to a billion. I was his first mentor and now it’s my turn to learn from him.

by Mark Joyner | Blog , The Mark Joyner Show

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