- – various shenanigans.

Description: various shenanigans.

Example domain paragraphs

Had a request to create a deadline due date utilizing business hours. Here’s the script. I’m still using the moment.js library for other due date calculations. I’ve also included code here to update the HH:MM blocks of the Nintex Date/Time field.

Had a request to calculate several deadline or due dates from one specific date to autopopulate fields on a Nintex form. This also had to calculate business days only excluding holidays and weekends. I am using the moment.js library and moment-business-days plugin. Upload those .js files to your site assets […]

Request was to show a Running Total of Job Vacancies and Filled Vacancies by Target Date. First, I created a Calendar table: Calendar = CALENDAR(DATE(2021,1,1),DATE(2021,12,31))Second, I had to create a Running Total of Job Vacancies from Jan 1st thru the Target Date. CountTotalRunning = CALCULATE(    COUNTA(‘Vacancies'[ID]),    FILTER(        ALLSELECTED(‘Vacancies’),             ‘Vacancies'[Need By Date] <=MAX(‘Calendar'[Date])    )) […]