- Martin Fischer-Dieskau \o/ Conductor

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Martin Fischer-Dieskau knows how hard it is to gauge the worth of a serious conductor. Not feeling the need for superficial dazzle, he is able in a flash to gain the confidence of his players. His command of the structure of the piece is combined with sure-fire technique.

As a musician of our day Martin Fischer-Dieskau eschews over-specialization. He has devoted his entire career to the study of the Viennese Classics and to the exploration of new music and contemporary production. In acknowledgement of the century-old tradition of conducting, he excels in the performance of the great Austro-Germanic symphonic repertoire, while international opera houses have invited him to conduct more than 40 works of every genre.

When Maestro Fischer-Dieskau conducts from memory, the audience and the orchestra feel secure. The great heritage of Western music, both in style and content, find continuity. The fusion of music and listener becomes a reality. After four music directorships on three continents and hundreds of guest engagements his audiences worldwide look forward with pleasure to an authentic musical experience, whether in opera or in concert.