- Martin Tik

Description: Martin is a researcher at the Medical University of Vienna with main research interests at the interface of fMRI brain mapping and TMS brain stimulation (concurrent TMS/fMRI) applied on creativity and depression

wien (4022) martin (1477) imaging (754) tms (451) fmri (67) stimulation (66) tik (26) transcranial magnetic stimulation (23)

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Martin Tik  is a research associate at the Medical University of Vienna.  He is working at the Center of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (MR Physics Division) and involved in collaborative projects with the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Neurology and multiple clinics at the Vienna General Hospital. Important research milestones include insights into the role of dopamine and dopaminergic pathways in insightful problem solving (Aha moments) and fMRI connectivity changes linked to aff

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