- Maryland Proposes Anti Online International Dating Legislation

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The Honorable Martin O’Malley Governor of Maryland 100 State Circle Annapolis, MD 21401-1925

Dear Governor O’Malley: Soon to arrive on your desk for signature is HB65/SB129: International Marriage Brokers Regulation. I urge you summarily to veto this unconstitutional legislation. Ironically, Charles A. Jenkins, the man you appointed in January to serve a vacated seat in the House of Delegates, is the sole lawmaker to oppose HB65/SB129. Every law must withstand the scrutiny of three screens. It must: 1) solve a problem or provide a benefit that affects citizens equally, 2) be based on hard evidence

Considering the foregoing, please veto HB65/SB129. It solves no problem and provides no benefit to the citizens and legal residents of Maryland. Conversely, it violates state and federal protections of their civil rights, unnecessarily imposes Big Government on them, and wastes their tax dollars. Men and women rely on you to preserve Maryland’s integrity and ensure equality-based protection of their constitutional rights and freedoms. Vetoing HB65/SB129 will achieve that end.