- Сценарии квестов для детей, взрослых и наборы для дома, офиса, природы | MasterFuns

Description: Чтобы устроить квест, достаточно распечатать готовый сценарий и приключение готово! Сценарии на День Рождения, Новый Год, 23 февраля и другие праздники.

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The participants are trapped in a house with ghosts. Will they be able to cope with their own fear and get out safe and sound from this trap?

Among the traditional aperitifs, your guests will find not only their favorite cocktails and snacks, but also a ‘message’, which says that to continue the party and get more alcoholic beverages, they will have to solve a hilarious quest.   

Players caught in a trap are challenged to find the way out of the closed space (home or office) for 60 minutes using clues.  

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