- Mastering Roulette with **Ted Knuden** :: excellent roulette information from the pro

Description: Find out all there is to know about roulette from the expert, Ted Knuden at Mastering

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Hello and welcome to I'm Ted Knuden, a recreational gambler and odds enthusiast. Over the past 20 years or so I've refined my love of casino games a little, and developed personal strategies for approaching each of the games I play. This site, along with its partners, is my offering to the rest of the world. After reviewing some of my old videos, friends convinced me that I should take my teaching style online, and so this is the result.

Whether you're a novice or a pro at roulette, there is something here to interest each and every one of you. If you'd like to brush up on your rusty skills, what better way to do that than a free game of roulette? Go ahead, put your skills to the test. Now, for those that are a little shaky on the topic, I invite you to explore the rest of this site's contents.

I have tried my best not to make this game sound any more complicated than it already is, but you be the judge of that. Being the age that I am, it has become somewhat of a task to put myself in other people's shoes and what might make sense to me, might be complete gibberish to you. Let me know if that's the case and I'll try to clear things up for you a little further.