Description: Kontakt a resumé Matěje Kubičky
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I'm student of ESIEE Engineering in Paris and of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen interested in robotics, embedded systems and in promoting science to the public. What they write about me .
It all begun with childish dream - to build a robot. For me, then six years old, it looked like neat idea. I was really into it, but it usually ended up with a bunch of seemingly great ideas and nothing actually working. Later, when I was fifteen, I had to choose where I wanted to continue my studies. I have chosen field with most interesting name - mechatronics. It may seem stupid, but it was far the best of my choices, as I discovered later...
CANopen implementation is my bachelor thesis. It is concerned with implementation of CANopen, an industrial protocol stack on CAN-bus. It can be considered as one of the exotic solutions, since it uses special algorithm for raising time-related events (such as timeouts). It uses only one timer/counter peripheral and whence minimizes hardware usage and also enables this implementation to run even on smallest microcontrollers.