- Mathews Maritime Foundation

Description: The Mathews Maritime Foundation is working to preserve, present, and participate the rich maritime and cultural heritage of Mathews County, Virginia. Welcome to our web site!

history (7633) museum (4895) virginia (4589) marine (3190) mmf (58) gibs (14) mathews county (6) mathews maritime foundation (1) mathews maritime museum (1) gwynn’s island boat shop (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Restored rowing dory is ready just in time for the Islander Regatta, a 9-mile circumnavigation of Gwynn's Island, Virginia, happening June 24th. More on The Islander Regatta &#x2192

Current activity and archived materials about Peggy of New Point on our blog. This historic Mathews deck boat, has been renovated and now serves as a floating exhibit and cherished teaching resource. Go to Peggy's blog &#x2192

Brown, Colvin, Deagle, Diggs, Hudgins, Klingel, and Schlenk - boatbuilders of Mathews County, VA. Can you help us identify others and tell their stories?

Links to (1)