- Math I Can Do: making math better

Description: Math I Can Do makes it easy for students, teachers, and everyone else to write math faster, neater, and with fewer mistakes.

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Write math on your computer At Math I Can Do, we want you to write math on your computer as easily as you can write an essay. We spent thousands of hours studying how people think and write math: the result is an editor that’s up to 3 times faster than pencil and paper!

Finish your homework faster, neater, and with fewer mistakes. Write math using the same notation you learn in class: there’s no need to learn a special layout language! Pick commands with point-and-click or use sensible shortcut keys. Work faster with our smart commands and forgiving selection and deletion that don’t punish imprecision.

Our editor isn’t finished yet, but you can try a sneak peek online. For the full experience, join the beta program for our desktop app ! Once you’ve tried it out, be sure to let us know what you think . Your feedback will help us make a great editor even better!