
brooklyn (2492) midi (845) bushwick (65) nyhc (10) gazeebo (3) downlow (2)

Example domain paragraphs

data> resume | email | phone

social networks> livejournal | myspace | facebook | linkedin twitter | amiestreet  | youtube | friendfeed

employer> thorn communications projects> lost brooklyn trips - urban exploration lost brooklyn textures  - texture database mame arcade emulator xstraightedgex meetup - straightedge social network vegetarian meals - flickr photostream friend of a friend profile ( foaf ) webzine bands> darksideNYC   | darksideNYC@myspace disassociate   | disassociate@myspace downlowNYHC   | downlownyhc@myspace blood of a zombie  | blood of a zombie@myspace show promotions and booking> brooklyn dildo factory   | br