- Matthew Rees

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I am a research scientist aiming to help conserve nature and promote effective management of pest species. My work tends to focus on species introduced beyond their natural range: estimating their distribution, density and ecosystem impacts. Invasive species management can have unintended consequences which need to be weighed up against potential benefits on a case-by-case basis. For example, in my PhD I investigated a potential behavioural and numerical ‘release’ of feral cats following poison-baiting prog

These days I am spending less time in the field and more time finessing over statistical models. I completed my PhD with the Quantitative and Applied Ecology group at the University of Melbourne. I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the CSIRO Adaptive Biosecurity Management team, based in Brisbane. Here I mostly stitch together different data types to (i) forecast house mouse plagues in grain growing regions, and (ii) predict current distributions of invasive species across Australia, such as

I am a scientist researching how to effectively conserve nature and manage “pest” species. My work tends to focus on (i) measuring outcomes of ecosystem interventions, (ii) estimating species populations dynamics, as well as (iii) uncovering interactions among coexisting species (particularly concerning invasive animals or top predators). I completed my PhD in 2022 with the Quantitative and Applied Ecology group at the University of Melbourne, which investigated behavioural and numerical ‘release’ of feral