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Maui History

A s is the case with everything if you go back far enough, Maui started with a bang. This took place five million years ago as the result volcanic activity that began the ocean floor and went on to create Haleakala, a now-dormant volcano arising more than 10,000 feet above sea level. Lava flows and the gradual erosion of Haleakala 's slopes combined to form the rich plain of Central Maui, which is where most of island's agriculture, industries and population are now located.  

At least that’s the geological explanation. More colorful by far is the legend surrounding the island’s creation that introduces a figure named Maui. As Maui was only a demigod, he went fishing with a line in the time-honored fashion. In time-honored fashion as well, his line caught, and after strenuously pulling to free it, he ensured that he'd have the greatest fishing story of all time by bringing the islands of Hawaii to the surface one by one. Perhaps emboldened by this feat, Maui then stood astride Ha

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