- News

Description: Website des Max-Reger-Instituts

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The Max Reger Institute aims to make the life and work of the composer known to a wider public. It is open to experts and interested laymen alike: The extensive collection and the library make the institute a treasure trove for all interested parties. You can find initial information on the homepage and the Max Reger Portal , also on Reger's 150th birthday in 2023.

First sections of the RWA Encyclopedia on persons/institutions, postal items and work templates are now available.

The new online version of the RWA Encyclopedia has been launched in the Reger Year 2023. From now on, all components of the hybrid RWA edition publications (printed and digital editions as well as encyclopedia) are accessible again. After a rebuilding phase lasting several years, the RWA Encyclopedia appears in a new design, with updated technical underpinnings, consolidated content structure and a functional user interface. The information on the artistic, historical and social environment of Max Reger's e

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