Description: Maxime de la Rocheterie - Full-stack Dev from France, working with Symphony, VueJs, Angular, Spring - Php / Java / Typescript
php (16961) developer (9002) java (6343) frontend (1591) angular (1528) typescript (1237) sass (1044) full-stack (875) backend (832) vuejs (426)
Dev projects
Motion design projects
Toggle Menu Maxdlr . Full-stack developer. A tech enthusiast who loves building and launching solid web applications. Explore my projects I'm a full-stack dev, from France. The full name is 'Maxime de la Rocheterie', but that's a bit of a mouth full so 'Maxdlr' is what I go by. I am a former Motion designer, I used to rock the keyframes but programming soon became my true love. Please check out my projects and get in touch if you feel like I could a good fit.