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Description: There is too much cultural beauty contained in our languages for us to stand by and witness them become lost to history. Our Mayan languages are not a relic

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The power of the digital world opens up endless possibilities for preserving and sharing knowledge. The Mayan Languages Preservation and Digitization Project, facilitated by the MasterWord Institute, harnesses this power to safeguard the richness of Mayan languages for generations to come. This project is a partnership with no hidden conditions, creating a platform for Mayan language professionals and scholars to curate a comprehensive, open-source glossary.

We honor and value the critical role each Mayan speaker has in shaping this project. By sharing your unique linguistic knowledge, you’re not only strengthening your community’s access to essential resources such as education, healthcare, and law, but you’re also sharing the beauty of your languages and culture with the world. This is your platform, your heritage, and your voice resonating globally. We stand with you in the belief that language rights are human rights. The Mayan Languages Preservation and Di

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