mbiedu.org - MBI Health Education

Description: MBI Health Education specializes in providing good basic information on how to improve and maintain a good level of health and fitness for a fulfilling life

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Welcome to MBI Health Education, which specializes in providing good basic information on how to improve and maintain a good level of health and fitness for a fulfilling life. What is meant by a good level of health? It is being able to enjoy life in a physical body that functions at its fullest potential, illness free and without the aches and pains associated with a lesser state of health. While we understand that it is not always possible for people to reclaim their youth and the vitality and energy that

Health is really a personal choice, whether you believe that or not. You can choose what you are going to eat to a certain extent and you can choose whether you are going to exercise or not. While there are probably hundreds of excuses that a person may be able to come up for not eating right or exercising, they all boil down to choice. We can't make anyone get fitter or eat the right diet. We can only provide the kind of information that, if put to use, can help a person to improve their diet, their activi

There is a lot of truth in the saying that we are what we eat. It is perfectly apparent from what we see all around us everywhere we look at people walking around in our vicinity. There are people of all shapes and sizes, but more interestingly, where height and general build are individual to each person, the way that their bodies look that are different to what that height and build should look like tell us how they have been treating their bodies. When people eat healthily in moderation, it is quite obvi

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