mbsj.jp - 日本分子生物学会

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May 2023 オジギソウにお辞儀させるカルシウムイオン Stimulated to the leaves, the sensitive plant ( Mimosa pudica ) folds its leaves one after another. To elucidate the mechanism, a transgenic M. pudica was produced so that the cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration can be observed as fluorescence by GCaMP6f (Hagihara et al. (2022) Nat. Commun. 13: 6412, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-34106-x ). When a leaflet was wounded, the fluorescent signal caused by Ca 2+ propagated through the veins to the tertiary pulvinus at the base of the leaflet, im

April 2023 Wnt2022開催にちなんで装飾された姫路城 Wnt2022, an international conference on Wnt research, was held on November 15 to 19, 2022, in Awaji Island (Hyogo Prefecture). This memorable gathering was the first Wnt meeting in Japan and Asia, finally held in person after being postponed for two years due to COVID-19. The cover of this issue features Himeji Castle (Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture) (*CG fiction) with an exceptional decoration showing the name of the meeting and the names of important components of Wnt signaling

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