- McGuffee Polled Herefords

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MCGUFFEE POLLED HEREFORDS was born, breeding a productive, functional, and profitable herd of Polled Hereford cattle. By the 1980s and 1990s McGuffee Polled Herefords became one of the largest Polled Hereford breeders east of the Mississippi River. Our productive sales in the 1990s, were a very successful time for us, and many of you, we would still like to say thank you.

MCGUFFEE POLLED HEREFORDS has transitioned over the years, and in 2002, we made the decision to continue to breed 150 cows to Polled Hereford bulls, without registering the calves. The other 250 cows were bred to Black Angus bulls. This program has been very rewarding to us.

IN 2012, JOE, RYAN AND WALKER MCGUFFEE began to rebuild our registered herd. We achieved this by starting an ET program, to take advantage of 200 Black Baldie mothers and eggs from some of the best Hereford herds in the country. We have also purchased some outstanding donor dams, which serve as the foundation to our new beginning.

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