- :: Merchant Consulting - Website Design, Hosting, Development -- Digitaly Naughty ::

Description: Merchant Consulting,Website Design,Hosting,Development,Digitaly Naughty Merchant Consulting,Website Design,Hosting,Development,Digitaly Naughty

hosting (95068) development (16602) php (16478) website design (13420) mysql (4444) merchant consulting (2) digitaly naughty--merchant consulting (1)

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Merchant Consulting provides a wide range of value-added Information Technology (IT) Consulting and Customised Software Development Services through our India based consulting company. Our experienced Consultants allow us to deliver high-quality, on-schedule services to our Clients in a cost-effect five and efficient manner. Because of our Staff's determination to continually deliver on-schedule, cost-effective, and quality services, positive long-term Client relationships are developed. These relationships

Services performed by Merchant Consulting include: Application systems development and maintenance, IT architecture and engineering, systems consulting and general support services. Merchant Consulting supports all major computer technology platforms (mid-range, client/server and network environments) to implement Clients' projects. Merchant Consulting serves Clients involved in communications, information technology, manufacturing and utilities.

Merchant Consulting, attracts and Retains Exceptional Consultants Merchant Consulting attracts, develops and retains exceptional Consultants by providing leadership and management support through effective and open communication, professional and technical training and education programs, challenging project opportunities with significant Client responsibility, and a competitive compensation and benefits package.

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