- Mediafon Telco Solutions

Description: Antifraud in telecommunications networks

box (1831) ip (1813) traffic (1466) fraud (623) ott (446) sim (427) cdr (300) analyzer (198) bypass (135) antifraud (8)

Example domain paragraphs

Simple fast and very easy to implement method to detect SIM Boxes or fixed connections. It is based on test calls generation internationally to operators target numbers. By comparing sent and received A numbers during international cycle of a call it is possible to detect any fraudable line in the network.

If you bill international incoming minutes depending on the country from witch the call arrives - our A number verification service is what you need! The service in real-time verifies the caller and gives you the information was the A number changed or not. Having this information you can not only monitor but also make conditional routing, or even blocking calls with incorrect caller numbers.

This is additional service to our TCG platform. Once we find Sim Box - why shouldn't we charge those SIM's additionally before blocking? It works on mobile networks and this is the fastest way to make fraudster "business" unprofitable.

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