Description: 위버케어(Weavrcare)는 온・오프라인 플랫폼을 통해 환자와 병원을 연결하고 이를 통해 의료진이 진료에만 전념할 수 있는 환경을 구축하는 기업입니다.
MediBloc is a blockchain-based digital healthcare company with the lofty goals of building a patient-centric healthcare data platform and ultimately helping people lead healthier lives.
A mobile app that integrates healthcare data including patient medical records scattered across different hospitals in order to give data sovereignty to the patients who will be allowed access to those data in a timely and convenient manner for various purposes such as health insurance claims.
A simple and highly efficient Cloud-based EHR solution designed to streamline work processes by refining the quality of hospital-generated medical data through actual feedback from healthcare professionals.