- Medjugorje Apologetics | A Formal Defense from the Catholic Church

Description: A formal analysis of the apparitions of Medjugorje, whether they are condemned or approved, according to the Catholic Church. What is the Church's position on Medjugorje? A traditional defense of Medjugorje, and historical critique, in light of official Vatican documents and other statements from the Holy See.

defense (1042) position (251) approved (184) visions (182) medjugorje (115) bosnia (93) vatican (81) apparitions (51) holy see (12) condemned (5)

Example domain paragraphs

I NTRODUCTION When dealing with such a sensitive topic as the alleged presence of the Mother of God in our midst, we ask our readers to forgive us if we overstep our bounds on these proceeding pages. We have tried to remain as objective as possible in our analysis, ruling out any unreferenced or sensational claims, as well as hearsay and propaganda, in the hopes to remain faithful to history, to the Church, and to serious scholarship. It is our hope to approach this topic with the reverence due to it, askin

We have also equipped this website with scientific apparatus, namely; fully referenced notes to verifiable sources, so that our readers--whether skeptics or supporters--will be able to follow up with further study. We believe this is the only credible method of research, and we hope that our readers will appreciate our efforts in this regard.

Some have speculated that Medjugorje is the most misunderstood and misrepresented apparition in the history of Christianity. And while we cannot validate this claim, we nonetheless have developed a kind of sympathy for its sentiments. Indeed, Medjugorje is an unprecedented apparition for these unprecedented times in which we live. As a result, the precedent with which it also has been maligned is without equal, far overstepping even the Church's position on the issue.

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