Description: MEGATRON Controls & Instrumentation Products: Signal-Conditioners, Digital Panel Meters, Controllers, Analog & RTD Multiplexers, Current / Voltage Simulators, Annunciators, Timers, Protection Units, Level Controllers etc. Megatron is the Israeli Rep. for Mnuf. of: Level, Flow, Pressure, Temp., Sensors and Controllers, Belt Scales, Data Loggers etc. Rep's of: Pulsar, Kubler, Monitran, UWT, Badger Meter, Abest, BCM, Metran, Sitron, FLS, Lascar, Electronic Assembly, Presys, Georgin, Orange Res., Aalbo
instrumentation (506) controllers (194) simulators (82) measurements (75) panel meters (13) multiplexers (11) signal conditioners (11) annunciators (6) îúîøéí (1) îçååðéí (1)