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欢迎来到肯特郡欧洲骨病学院 欢迎来到欧洲骨病学院 专用教学诊所 专用教学诊所 一个广泛、包容的方案 一个广泛、包容的方案 运动、产妇和儿童专科诊所 体育、妇产专科诊所;儿童 全年在线开放日和校园参观 全年在线开放日和校园参观 Our next Open Day - 8th March 2023 - 了解更多信息 and book your place! 欢迎来到欧洲骨病学院 欧洲骨病学派’s world-class reputation for the high quality of osteopathic education available at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels has been achieved through hard work, professionalism and dedication.

Based in Maidstone Kent, the School has an academic site set in the beautiful surroundings of Boxley House and a 教学诊所  on Tonbridge Road. Together they offer the full facilities required by students for an exciting and fulfilling osteopathic education.

Our 骨病学硕士学位 (M.Ost) is an impressive and wide-ranging programme, introducing students to a complete holistic healthcare system and preparing them for a successful career in clinical practice, education or research.