- News - ICMM Centre of Reference for Education on IHL and Ethics | Military Medical Ethics

Description: ICMM Centre of Reference for Education on IHL and Ethics

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Both courses will take place from 03–07 September 2023 at the Hotel Seaside in Spiez (Switzerland) . In addition to the on-site courses in Spiez, both courses will also offer the opportunity for an online participation.

We look forward to welcoming participants from all over the world in Switzerland.

The 3rd volume in the Military and Humanitarian Health Ethics series has been published. The book edited by Sheena Eagan and Daniel Messelken  entitled " Resource Scarcity in Austere Environments. An Ethical Examination of Triage and Medical Rules of Eligibility " is now available as PDF and epub via Springer ( LINK ). The printed version is due to be published soon and will then also be available via your local bookstore or online book stores.

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