- Melissa Kalt MD – Helping Narcissist Survivors Heal

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About Us Services Products Resources Reviews Contact Us High Level Narcissistic Abuse Healing for High Impact Women Dr Melissa’s proven process to break your trauma bond, extract your trauma, and rewrite your subconscious scripts gets you complete and lasting results in a fraction of the time. Schedule Your Consult Today Do you feel like you’re stuck in Groundhog’s Day? You mustered up all the strength that you had to leave one abusive relationship, only to find yourself in the next. 

It seems you have “narcissist target” written on your forehead. Suddenly, they’re everywhere –new friends, business partners, employees, and romantic partners. 

Plus, you’re still battling the lack of confidence, lack of motivation, indecision, and chronic physical symptoms that keep you from truly moving forward – to realizing your fullest potential. 

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