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A lot has happened in the past few days. I didn’t have my laptop with me in the weekend and barely had any access to internet, which is the cause of the lack of blog updates. But hey, that means there’s a lot for me to write about!

Today was the last day I would see Gerry and the rest from the people from Chicago. They were flying back to the US early the next day, so today would be there last day at the school and in the evening they were going to have a farewell dinner in the mountains. After Spanish class I said my goodbyes to them and then headed over to an afterschool cooking class with Jaimini. The cooking teacher spoke Spanish only, and quite quickly. However by closely following what she was doing, it was quite easy to keep up

After that the school closed, I headed over to the mall to get something to for dinner and then headed back to my homestay. On the way back to the bus stop, I walked past CRLA and saw a bus with all the people from Chicago. Everyone was dressed up nicely for their last dinner together and they were taking pictures together.I said my last goodbyes again and then walked on towards the bus stop. After having dinner, I was driven to the mall by Esteban, because he was headed in the same direction. I had made pl

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