- Menno Aden - Room Portraits

Description: Interiors of real living and working spaces from an unusual perspective. It seems as if someone has lifted the ceiling and replaced it with a scanner. In fact, the photographs consist of up to a hundred individual shots taken with a remote control and then digitally assembled. One associates doll's houses and at the same time thinks of surveillance.

Example domain paragraphs

The specific-but-random devices were generated from text-prompts to improve human living conditions, such as safety, freedom, or nutrition ("bionic devices to ensure safety“, "devices for stabilization of freedom“, etc). Based on the premise of the AI, the devices are created from a pool of pre-existing objects, a process that again implies human desires and fantasies. After all, technology not only helps us, it influences us, or as Marshall McLuhan famously said, "We shape our tools, and thereafter our too

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Untitled (Devices), 2023 HD, Video-Loop

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