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The „International Laboratory for Mental Space Research“ (ILMSR) was founded in 2003. Its aim is to bring together some recent insights from cognitive linguistics, psychotherapeutic practice and cultural history studies in order to provide:

Lucas A. C. Derks is a social psychologist living in Nijmegen (Netherlands) who defines his clinical work as field experimentation. He aims to discover patterns in social experience and the mechanisms of unconscious social cognition. From 1993 onwards this resulted in the so-called Social Panorama model : a tool to analyze and change human relationships on the basis of their imagined spatial characteristics. This work is summarized by the formula: Relation = Location . This means that the experienced emotio

Wolfgang Walker is a clinical psychologist working in Berlin (Germany). He has wide-ranging experience in psychotherapeutic work with psychiatric clients. He develops process-oriented and sensory-based diagnostics models (symptom modelling) that are designed to explain both normal and deviant modes of subjective experience. These diagnostic tools also integrate fundamental insights from developmental psychology, attachment theory and paranormal research. He is engaged in generating advanced methods of senso

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