- Merchant Accounts and Credit Card Processing :: Merchant Account Portal

Description: Need an Internet Merchant Account? Does your business need Credit Card Processing? Our free advice will help you locate the most appropriate service for your particular business.

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Apply for a Merchant Account and Start Processing Credit Cards Today! Did you know that applying for a merchant account is easy and takes less then 15 minutes, however if you choose the wrong merchant account provider it could cost you alot of money in the long run. You will see a list of rates below for each merchant account provider and you want to find a low transaction fee as well as a low discount rate. Depending on your credit rating you may qualify for a low discount rate. A list of rates and fees ca

Featured Merchant Account Providers Total Merchant Services Quality Merchant Account Services 1.73% Retail Discount Rate 20 Cents per transaction $10 Monthly Statement Fee $25 Monthly Minimum Free Terminal ($395 VALUE) Free Check Reader ($750 VALUE) U.S. Businesses Only