- Mheni Merzouki

Description: Mheni Merzouki personal blog about technology and business

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Hi there nice to see you around here, my name is Mheni i know what an unusual name beleive me i get all kinds of spellings on my starbucks coffe.

I grew up in Algeria where i started playing with computers since very little, playing in this context means video games but that’s how i got interested in computers and programming, of course five years spent in college learning more in depth computer science helped. during which i loved getting my hands dirty with school and side projects and that’s what this blog is all about, me sharing and documenting my projects.

Nowadays i am a network engineer/researcher at NIST where i get to work with outstanding people on new and exciting technologies, my works revolves around network performace and innovation, and that includes Cloud Computing, Software Defined Networking (SDN), Named Data Networking (NDN), Blockchain and many more topics.