- MesoAmericas & Beyond

Description: Explores ancient mesoamerica, Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way teaching and more!

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Expression, Knowledge and Origin of Ancient Mesoamerica, Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way Teaching and more!

Researchers at Tulane University in Louisiana have solved the mystery of the 819-day ancient Mesoamerican calendar used by ancient Mayans. The researchers were able to match the planetary cycles of every planet that might have been visible to ancient astronomers using a 45-year period. Multiple calendars that were likely used by scholars at the time…

Georgi Ivanovitch GurdjieffJanuary 13, 1872 – October 29, 1949 Any prayer may be heard by the Higher Powersand a corresponding answer obtained only if uttered thrice:  Firstly—for the welfare or the peace of the souls of one’s parents.  Secondly—for the welfare of one’s neighbor.  And only thirdly—for oneself personally.  —Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff