- Messier, Severson Family Geneaology

Description: This is the family tree record of the Messier Georgii Severson Severinsson Brady Bordeur family. The site is centered upon the family of Michael Messier and Elaine Severson Messier. This information includes the names of parents, spouses/partners, and children.

genealogy (2881) family tree (759) messier (17) o'connell (15) mcnamara (8) severson (5) antonsson (4) machia (1) severinsson (1) georgii (1)

Example domain paragraphs

This is the family tree record of the Messier-Severson (Severinsson) family. The site is centered upon the families of Michael Messier and Elaine Severson Messier . Each page of the site contains information about one person. This information includes the names of parents, spouses/partners, siblings and children. Navigation through the site is done by following these links through the tree.

You may begin by clicking either Michael's picture or on Elaine's picture. You may also begin by using the following list of ancestors of by using the Web Page Index . The list contains links into branches of the family tree. These shortcuts will aid the user in jumping to early family members. Note that the Messier family is descended from Albert Machia, who's original name was Messier, but somehow was modified after immigration from French-speaking Canada (Quebec Province).

Family tree files (GEDCOM format) and other family documents may be downloaded from the Download Page.