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Living, working, and playing in Mazatlan, Mexico

We haven't been to the Carnaval parade in several years. It seems like such a big hassle. And I don't like crowds. So even when it seems like it might be fun, I can whine myself into thinking I will have a terrible time and just decide not to go. But this year we had some friends who wanted to go and asked us if we could reserve a table at our favorite hangout which also happens to be a great vantage point to watch the parade. And you know what? I had a great time.

My parents came for another visit - the second one in a year! It was a wonderful visit, but too short. They were only able to stay for a week. At least this time they recognized me at the airport. Last time, it had been so long that I had to wave my arms around like an idiot for them to realize it was me. But this time was different in a lot more ways than that.

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