Description: 开云官方在线登录-登录入口于1994年1月成立,【 && 2004年1月在港证上市】公司注册资本656万,拥有固定资金898亿。专业从事车用聚氨酯泡沫塑料研发、生产、销售;斥资数亿元先后在在广西柳州、河北邱县、南通如东、泰国建立分厂。 旗下子公司上海梦洛施家居用品有限公司,致力于好睡眠打造已有14年之久。
Michael McCormack is an intermedia artist, curator, and educator of settler ancestry living in unceded territory of the Mi’Kmaq people in K’jiputuk (Halifax). He has worked extensively within the artist-run centre community as Director of Eyelevel Gallery from 2009-2013 and president and representative of the Association of Artist-Run Centres from the Atlantic from 2011-2013. He continues to work as an independent curator for exhibitions, festivals and events, most recently as a guest curator for Nocturne:
More detailed information on recent projects can be found on his BLOG|