michaelrichardmurphy.com - Michael Richard Murphy - making the web work for you

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making the web work for you

There’s an apartment building along my regular running route. It’s a large brick building with a pretty plain appearance. There’s a sign above the main entrance that says “Executive Manor.” From the outside it’s hard to imagine what’s inside. But for me, the outward appearance doesn’t quite jive with the image the name creates in my mind. I should probably mention that the sign is yellowing, water stained, and has a large crack splitting it in half. It’s been that way for years.

Every time I run by that building I think of  the Broken Windows Theory . In 1969 a Stanford psychologist left cars that appeared to be disabled in two different neighborhoods in the US as part of an experiment. The first neighborhood had a history of petty crime and vandalism. Predictably, that car was stripped of everything of value within 24 hours. The other car, however, was left in what would widely be considered a safe, upscale neighborhood. For more than a week that car went untouched. Things got int

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