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It’s January, a month of cold, wet and grey miserable days. Occasionally the sun appears for an all to brief moment and then it’s back to the grey. But amazingly on the 17th; sunshine for almost the whole day! I decided that this was the day to shoot some of the rolls of expired film that have been sitting in my film box for months, possibly years. I decided to travel light as although the sun would be out it would also be cold. The cameras I picked were the Holga 120GN and the Black Slim Devil. Both camera

I received lots of lovely replies but with Twitter, as ever, there’s always one person that knows best and who wants to spoil your fun.

I didn’t reply to the shitpile – I don’t know him, I don’t follow him on Twitter and he doesn’t follow me, but I was a tiny bit annoyed so I tweeted his response to me shooting expired film in plastic cameras. Him being a shitpile wasn’t going to spoil my night or my plans on Sunday morning. I switched my phone off and went to bed. Sunday morning, I turn my phone on and . . . loads of messages and replies telling me to ignore the shitpile and enjoy my day. So off I went bright and early and had fun with my