michalpasco.com - Michal Pasco Image Maker

Description: Michal Pasco is an image maker.  A director of photography and video with over 20 years of experience in advertising with clients in varying business sectors: corporate, retail, education sector, manufacturing, architectural / builder developer, hospitality, tourism and destination marketing.  Michal has photographed world class chefs, celebrities, business executives, products and has worked on local and international advertising campaigns. 

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Michal Pasco is a Niagara-based advertising photographer and video director.  Michal produces outstanding marketing videos and has photographed world class chefs, celebrities, business executives, products and has worked on local and international advertising campaigns.

Michal Pasco is an image maker.  A director of photography and video with over 20 years of experience in advertising with clients in varying business sectors: corporate, retail, education, manufacturing, architectural / builder developer, fashion, beauty, hospitality, tourism and destination marketing.  Michal has photographed world class chefs, celebrities, business executives, products and has worked on local and international advertising campaigns.

Through video Michal transformed into a storyteller, producing hundreds of outstanding marketing videos.  Producing high-quality video content is a must these days and is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business.  The power of both still and moving images allow for the ultimate goal of sharing your story and vision, while promoting your brand. 

Links to michalpasco.com (2)