michealpalmer.com - φρονῶμεν… Let us ponder… – Thinking about History and the Future

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I have recently discovered the Peruvian band Laguna Pai. They blend tradition peruvian themes with Reggae and Rock to produce an amazing hybrid. Here are two of their recent productions.

I completed this composition for drum set, bass guitar, and keyboard on February 18–19, 2021. The images of hot air balloons are inspired by the time I spent with my family in Louisville, KY, where we saw them frequently.

En las ultimas semanas he subido a YouTube varios arreglos de canciones de adviento y navidad. La mayoría son arreglos que compuse mientras trabajaba de Director de Alabanza de la Iglesia Unida de Cristo en Chape Hill, Carolina del Norte. Los he actualizado, haciendo pequeñas mejorías de las partituras instrumentales. Over the past few weeks… Continue reading Música de Adviento y Navidad (Music for Advent and Christmas)

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