michigansedation.com - Michigan Sedation Dentistry :: IV Sedation Dentist :: Lawrence M Palmer DDS

Description: General Anesthesia for fearful, Sleep Dentistry, Pediatric I.V. Sedation, Pain-free Dentistry, Special Needs, Dentist in Rochester Hills, Michigan 248-650-9490

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We are proud to offer full service dental services to our patients in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne County as well as our clients that travel from as far as Toledo, Ann Arbor, Chicago and further.   Our Rochester Hills Office is specially designed to provide high quality dental care to patients of all ages that deserve special attention. 

Dr. Palmer is one of Michigan's leading sedation dentists.  He is one of only a few dentists in Michigan that is trained and qualified to provide all forms of sleep dentistry including Oral Sedation, I.V. Sedation and General Anesthesia.  Pain-free services with the use of Sedation Dentistry is an option for:

Our Office is equipped with a state-of-the-art, hospital-grade surgical suite with full monitoring: an EKG, pulse oximeter, blood pressure monitor, a crash cart, defibrillator and airway supplies.  Under I.V. Sedation we can do 4-6 hours of dentistry in one sitting.