micksantostefano.com - Mick Santostefano

Description: UI/UX Design Technologist and Wonder Aficionado. Based in Austin TX, I specialize in solving problems and building beautiful experiences. I look for what works and ditch what doesn't. I am always excited to build useful products that help people flourish and elevate the overall quality of life.

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My name is Mick, I'm a UI/UX Designer & Design Technologist living in Austin, TX. My hope is to design and build things that make life joyful for others... or at least better.

I was born in Long Island, NY, and raised all over the US (Air Force family..). I’ve been in Austin TX since 2005 hailing from Chicago where my wife and I attended School of The Art Institute of Chicago . I enjoy traveling and exploring the natural world whenever I get the chance, and hope to relocate to Italy someday where I can do both - si Diu voli, e cù buona fortuna!

I'm married to an amazingly talented interior designer , and together we are in the midst of raising 3 children, a dog, cat, and a Milk snake. I play several instruments including the Fiddle and the Jaw harp, and also love to spend time in the studio making art, carving tobacco-pipes , constructing Jaw-harps , and welding things.

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