midatlanticmasters.com - the MidAtlantic – Competition | Opportunity | Camaraderie

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","nextArrow":" ","autoplay":false,"autoplaySpeed":5000,"rtl":false}' dir="ltr"> August 28, 2022 A Dramatic Finish and a Tournament Record Highlight the Final Day August 25, 2022 Singing the Blues on Day Four August 24, 2022 A Wild Day Three at the MidAtlantic! August 23, 2022 A “Lay Day” for Most on Day Two MidAtlantic News .jet-listing-dynamic-post-8828 .elementor-element.elementor-element-83890c5:not(.elementor-motion-effects-element-type-background), .jet-listing-dynamic-post-8828 .elementor-element.ele

The MidAtlantic has continually set the standard for big game fishing tournaments in terms of prize money, hospitality, and conservation. Now in its 32nd year the MidAtlantic has truly been a one-of-a-kind experience that continues to create memories to last a lifetime for all participants. Which is why each August, boat owners, captains and crews come together from all over the world to compete in this great event! The event is staged out of two world renowned ports; Cape May, NJ, where the Canyon Club Res

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